Realize your constitutional right

with qualified help


Tel/Fax: 06-84/315-445

1. Litigation

Our law firm provides professional legal service – including out-of-court settlements as well – to our clients with respect to litigation. This type of service includes the followings:

  • Action for damages
  • Corporate litigation
  • Action in property law
  • Action in family law
  • Action in probate & inheritance law

2. Divorce settlement based on mutual spousal agreement

As for Hungary, approximately 60 % of all marriages per year end up in divorce. It may then be considered that this is a painful issue for many and it is up to the spouses how they settle (or argue) their disputes in a divorce proceeding. By reaching a mutual spousal agreement, the proceeding may be expeditious and free of difficulties.

In the event that spouses agree on joint custody of children, on keeping regular contact with the child, on the amount of child support to pay monthly, on alimony and on the further use of the marital home, then the court may officially declare divorce by performing only two trials.